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Goucam Group GOTS certified

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At the beginning of the month of January, Goucam group has concluded the GOTS certification process.

GOUVEIA & CAMPOS, SA (GOUCAM) joined the list of Portuguese textile companies certified according to the International Standard GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard).
GOTS certification is the most restrictive standard on the market in terms of organic products, covering all stages of the textile process, from fiber production to the finished product. Organic fibers are produced in a certified organic way and all the manufacturing processes involved are inspected.
Following the standard preserves the traceability of the entire process, guaranteeing the consumer that the garments were produced with environmentally and health-friendly chemicals, in factories that respect fair social criteria. In this way, we assure our customers that all of our products produced with the GOTS seal follow the requirements of this standard.

Another small step in the path of sustainability of the business and the whole industry.